Nearly all employers are required by law to have a workers' compensation insurance policy in force. When an employee is injured on the job or becomes ill as a result of conditions at work, workers’ comp will pay for medical expenses and provide partial wage support to the employee.
For many businesses workers comp can represent one of their largest expenses to conduct business. High medical expenses, poor loss history (frequency and severity), lack of experience, and poor loss control as well as fraud can all negatively impact a businesses work comp rates. The good news is, most of these things can be avoided or managed with some direction. Foundation Insurance Services has the ability to work closely with you and your business to drive work comp rates down, realizing major savings for your business.
Upon your request, we will work to help you reduce your exposure, implement a "safety culture" and programs in your work force, and help institute procedures to contain costs associated with workers compensation claims and premiums..
We can assist in reviewing your loss history to ensure accuracy and and identify trouble spots that need attention.
Give us a call to find out more and how we can help. (480) 299 - 2088
Nearly all employers are required by law to have a workers' compensation insurance policy in force. When an employee is injured on the job or becomes ill as a result of conditions at work, workers’ comp will pay for medical expenses and provide partial wage support to the employee.